Municipal Services

Wireless services have evolved into a leading form of voice and data communication for private citizens, businesses, government agencies and emergency services personnel alike.  Accordingly, municipal governments understand that it is important to support responsible wireless expansion in balance with the overall objectives of the community.  Our municipal services enable our partners to take a proactive approach and play a vital role in the expansion and strengthening of wireless networks through the placement of wireless communications towers on municipally owned property.  The placement of wireless communication towers on public property also provides our municipal partners with the opportunity to secure a significant and long-term revenue stream.  We offer industry leading revenue sharing lease arrangements that require no financial investment by our partners. Alternatively, we also offer easement purchase options for those municipalites seeking a larger, near term infusion of capital to cover budget shortfalls or to fund other muncipal initiatives. We welcome the opportunity to meet with you discuss our lease and easement purchase options in detail.

P3 Towers provides it's municipal partners with a platform to proactively and effectively address wireless infrastructure deployment. Our process provides the planning, development and operational capabilities needed to meet the needs of the carriers in a manner sensitive to the overall objectives and concerns of the community.


P3 will inventory existing wireless infrastructure in order to identify those areas of the municipality that will require new wireless infrastructure.  We will coordinate with the municipality to determine which municipal properties in those areas are viable for tower development.   Together with the municipality, we will then determine the most appropriate tower configuration for each viable site.  And once the site locations and structure types are identified, we will alert the wireless carriers of the co-location opportunities on the future towers.  This will enable the carriers to include the viable sites into their network expansion plans.

Site Development

Once a carrier tenant is secured, P3 will complete and bear all cost for the design, permitting and construction of the tower site.  We will coordinate with the municipality to secure all permits and approvals required by ordinance, and will also satisfy all State and Federal agency requirements.  We will then construct the tower site in accordance with all Federal, State and Local regulations as well as industry best practices.  All construction activities will be coordinated with the municipality according to ordinance and inspection requirements. Finally, we will oversee all carrier installation actiivty to ensure compliance with Federal, State and Local requirements.



Ongoing Operation

P3 will manage and bear all costs associated with the ongoing operation of the tower facility.  This will include general maintenance and upkeep, insurance coverage, payment of any increased tax liabilities associated with the facility, and ensuring regulatory compliance required for the facilty.  We will also manage all carrier activity, including installations and upkeep of carrier equipment installed on the tower.  Finally, we will be responsible for administering carrier lease contracts for the facility and ensuring the timely payment of rental revenue share to the municipality.